Don't let the harsh elements or cold weather put a limit on how much you enjoy the outdoors. Increase the amount of time you spend winter hiking with heated winter hiking gear.
Hiking is the perfect outdoor sport to enjoy leisurely or to use as a workout. And if you plan to log the miles while winter hiking, you are going to need attire that can go the distance with you. Here are the best options for winter hiking gear.
For Winter Hiking, Begin With Your Baselayer
When thinking of the best ways to gear up for winter hiking, you may go straight to jackets. But the best place to start is with your baselayer to wear under your winter hiking pants and jacket. Fieldsheer offers the next generation heated baselayers for men and women who don't want their winter hiking trip cut short. So, whether you are looking for men's heated baselayers or women's heated baselayers, Fieldsheer has you covered.
Long gone are the days of putting on 3 long sleeve shirts, a fleece, and a jacket. Fieldsheer’s light-weight performance base layers are constructed from stretch polyester fabric that is sure to keep you comfortable. Keeping warm just got easier with multiple heating zones, selectable heat settings that are Bluetooth compatible, and moisture-wicking mesh liners. And this is only the beginning.
Choose Your Jacket
Your winter hiking jacket can make or break your outdoor adventure. Now that the foundation is set with heated baselayers, it’s time to choose the right jacket for the job.
When it comes to winter hiking gear, bigger isn't better…heated is better. Fieldsheer’s men's heated jackets and women's heated jackets are built to take on the harshest of winter conditions. When choosing your winter hiking outfits, feeling comfortable is as important as staying warm. Both are possible thanks to Fieldsheer’s collection of jackets featuring lightweight, durable, waterproof fabrics and mobile heating technology. And with a battery that lasts up to 13 hours, your winter hiking trips won’t be cut short due to the cold.
Or Go With a Vest
If the weather is cold, but not “big-heated-jacket” cold, choose a heated hiking vest. Available for both men and women, vests provide a great amount of warmth while also keeping your arms free to scale rocks and climb mountains without restrain. For example, Fieldsheer’s Backcountry Heated Vest has a synthetic down polyester-filled core and is designed with a water-resistant, nylon outer shell and a 7.4-volt heating system, so it keeps you warm, dry, and active without compromising your winter hiking experience.
Complete Your Winter Hiking Outfit with Gloves and Socks
Your winter hiking gear would not be complete without heated gloves and heated socks. Cold hands and feet can quickly cause your winter hiking trip to go from enjoyable to miserable. Keep your feet cozy with 135°F of warmth going straight to your toes. Pair this with gloves designed for warmth and function, and you will stay warm from head to toe.
Winter hiking can be fun for the whole family with heated outdoor gear that is built to last and stand up to the harsh cold temperatures. With the highest-quality battery technology, Fieldsheer offers Bluetooth-controlled heat settings and real-time battery-life updates in their heated winter hiking gear. This makes it easy to enjoy a long hiking trip no matter the weather. Tech-infused winter hiking gear is here for you, and it is here to stay.