
Fieldsheer のメンズ ヒーティング ジャケットのいずれかを羽織って、バケット リストにあるすべての寒い季節のアクティビティに備えましょう。 Fieldsheer の特許取得済みの軽量で耐久性に優れた防水生地とモバイル ヒーティング テクノロジーにより、仕事も遊びもドライで暖かく快適に過ごせます。 Mobile Warming、7.4 ボルト Hi-Viz メンズ バッテリー ヒーティング ジャケットは、視界が悪く寒い環境で働く人のために作られたタフなジャケットです。予定が何であれ、Fieldsheer ではあらゆる機会に対応するメンズ暖房服を用意しており、最も必要なときに体を暖かく保つことができます。



$189.99 $139.99
$249.99 $169.99
$229.99 $229.99
$269.99 $179.99
$199.99 $149.99
$249.99 $174.99
$249.99 $187.99
$199.99 $129.99
$169.99 $169.99
$189.99 $189.99
$199.99 $149.99

How Do Heated Jackets Work?

Fieldseer’s men’s heated jackets use cutting-edge Mobile Warming® technology to provide warmth where you need it most. Powered by long-lasting rechargeable batteries, these jackets are perfect for keeping you comfortable while hiking, skiing, hunting, or enjoying any outdoor activity. Say goodbye to bulky layers and hello to freedom of movement with our sleek heated jackets.


How Long Do Heated Jacket Batteries Last Between?

Our heated jackets are equipped with high-capacity batteries designed to last. Our jackets have 4 temperature settings. On the highest heat settings, batteries provide 2-3 hours of warmth, on the lowest it’s 8-10 hours of comfort. 

Always remember to charge your batteries before heading out, and consider carrying an extra one for extended adventures. Please refer to your garment's user manual for estimated heat times for your specific product.


Are Heated Jackets or Heated Vests Better?

In summary, heated jackets offer full coverage for your arms, shoulders, and torso, making them ideal for colder climates and longer exposure to the cold. 

Heated vests, on the other hand, are lighter and provide core warmth without restricting arm movement, which is great for activities requiring flexibility. Both options come with adjustable heat settings to keep you comfortable.


Can You Wash or Dry Heated Jackets?

Yes, you can wash heated jackets, but it’s important to follow the specific care instructions for each type of jacket. Always disconnect and remove the battery before washing.